Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Ode to a slug

It was the best of times. It was the worst of times!Which really combined to make it an absolutely ordinary day for Dick Dickyson. Not that he cared though. Nay sir, all his day was spent cleaning, washing, feeding,vacuuming and stamping his pet slug every 3 hours. It could take its toll on anybody and Dick was no exception! He didnt even get any time to talk to his mommy
and daddy, the fire brigade and his beautiful and just about marriageable lovely girlfriend Rita. But his is a story NOT to be tackled coz serious matters are screaming to be dealt today!! It was Dick Dickyson's neighbor who concerns us today. Yes it was Mr Peter(who would be the neighbor) who went to the local theater and saw Mrs. Stevens who's husband was in the British army that forms the crux of our story. Ahh it is with the British Army who had their training in Cornwall whose mayor Mr. Pied had a son with six fingers which frightened young Lisa who bumped into John who was the son of the local bartender that our story begins.The bartender worked in the Smith pub and hated the boisterous young crowd and the drinking and the smoking and realized that this wasnt his dream job after all. So he quit and went after his true love: the outlawed,dangerous,passionate,glamorous job of all time: SLUG DEALING! Thus ends our remarkable story! Applause anybody??

Good news for our audience: The narrator was shot soon after this narration for a pathetic storyline and the absence of a convincing punchline to cap this tearjerker.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks like a compulsive and NOT natural writing. Its hard to keep track of events, it is like challanging your ability. I think the only good part of the story was the narrator being shot, he really deserved that.

10:34 PM  
Blogger Gaurav Kane said...

The whole point of the story was its complexity and its silliness but, well...

4:49 PM  
Blogger Gypsy said...


5:36 PM  
Blogger AJ said...

I must admit it was an almost inspirational work, but do your worse and I will fail to get inspired :).

5:52 PM  

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