The Unhappy Man
Bill's lifelong ambition, as many of ours, was to stamp out all the happiness from the world.That mushy warm feeling when you feel happy was positively revolting to him.. So he went on his mission in a determined sort of way..Couples were hacked, crime,carnage and the likes were tolerated during his reign... But surprisingly Bonbontown was left untouched..... Families,
kids out in the sunny parks,couples canoodling in the open and all sort of
nasty things were tolerated in that 4 square mile area inBill's kingdom... When asked about this hypocrisy, the man simply replied ' I dont want to kill myself,do I?'
Words of wisdom indeed!!!
kids out in the sunny parks,couples canoodling in the open and all sort of
nasty things were tolerated in that 4 square mile area inBill's kingdom... When asked about this hypocrisy, the man simply replied ' I dont want to kill myself,do I?'
Words of wisdom indeed!!!
so does that make bill happy? If yes, isn't the quest doomed by definition?
Yep exactly.. Thats why Bill leaves Bonbontown the way it is... because
Bonbontown unhappy= Bill's ambition fulfilled=Bill happy= Bill kill himself.....
Reminds me of a quote by Feynman. A tad longish, but the last thing I want to do is attempt to shorten Feynman's words.
Just reflect a moment on how life would be if we were to discover the ultimate secret of everything. It would be horrible! All of life's mystery gone in a flash! No longer could we satisfy our emotional need to worship something greater than ourselves. How could we go on regarding Nature with awe if we just strip Her bare and expose Her secret? No, if we humans wish to lead a full and happy life, it is better to keep our distance and respect Her privacy.
Reflect a moment on what would be destroyed if wisdom were to appear in this world. There would be no more cosmic challenges for our great minds to overcome! It would spell the end of the road for physics, I bet. Philosophy too, for that matter. What a great disservice this would be to our children, and to our children's children. The joys of great intellectual purpose and yearning for higher things would be denied them.
And what of those exquisite pleasures involved in consoling one another over the helplessness of mankind? Gone! How could we bond together in the face of this bleak and meaningless universe if it were discovered the universe was not so bleak and meaningless after all? At the very least, it would become a lot more difficult to wail and gnash teeth with our friends! Our poetry, our music, indeed the romantic image of Nature would be severely undermined. One could go on and on, but it is enough to say that everything we value as human beings would be placed in jeopardy by the uncovering of Truth.
It is clear, then, that if a person wishes to serve mankind to the best of his ability, he should endeavour to do everything he can to stop people becoming wise. He should regard wisdom as he would a killer virus, which must be eliminated completely. Otherwise, it will run rampant and begin to infect our conscience. Ours would be a bleak future, I tell you, if that happens. It would be pointless to continue living.
But do not despair! This may never happen, especially with so many gifted people on our side. They are in the thick of it, day after day, all of them dedicated to ensuring victory in the holy war of Ignorance vs. Wisdom.
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