Friday, August 25, 2006

I am become death, the destroyer of worlds

SCENARIO 1:The nightmare would start again! How she wished she could stop this! In a few minutes, she would be careening down the road without control. HEEEEEEEELP PLLLLLLLLLZ!!!!!!!!The impact of her car with the tree would cause excrutiating pain! She would see her son's head explode in front of her eyes. The pressure on her chest would be so great she would think she would just pass out. Fat chance of that happening though! SOMEONE PLEASE STOP THIS!Her husband would give up his fight with death anytime now. Ahh there he goes now! She screams but is there anyone to hear her? The minutes go by and she knows she will soon be transported back to her house to start the fateful trip again. Oh GOD when will this stop??

SCENARIO 2: She was kinda looking forward to the moment she had her first kiss. Ahh the good times she had in high school! What a wonderful experience to relieve the good times of her life again. She was blessed indeed!!! The first day at her job, the day she fought and fell in love with Bob. Ahh the wonderful times!! The parties in Vermont, skiing in NH and sun bathing in the Caribbean. Could she ask for more!! Her kid's first words were like the sweetest music to her!! Funny how he never grew after that and she was transported to the halcyon days of her childhood again. But what the hell!! Life's there to cherish its best moments, isnt it?

SCENARIO 3: DARKNESS!! Nothing more, nothing less...

What would you do?? I would pull the plug.................

Thursday, August 17, 2006

The boy and his imaginary friend

No-one could seperate the two of them. Lifelong mates indeed they were!
Each would gladly accept death to avoid any misfortune on the other.
Ramesh felt blessed indeed for having such a wonderful friend!! He had
in Ganesh everything he could ask for as a friend and advisor.And above
all, wasnt Ganesh the only who actually listened to his grandiose aims
of conquoring the world and believed in them? How he would reward his
steadfast friend once he acheived them!! The others were indeed jealous
of their friendship. I mean why would they call him paranoid for cooking
up an imaginary friend?? It was enough to make him burst off into an
uncontrollable fit of laughter!!

One fine day,Ramesh and Ganesh headed off to the beach for some
fishing and swimming and, well, a lot of looking. But what do they see?
A poor soul in distress-unable to swim its way out of the predicament
it had got itself into. Ofcourse Ramesh wouldnt let that happen,would
he? I mean he was a decent swimmer and well Ganesh (an excellent
swimmer himself) was there to help him all the way anyway. He could
count on his best friend, couldnt he? There goes the fine young lad
and meets his watery grave!! And yeah ofcourse dont put the poorlad's
death down to his paranoia. I mean we all have an imaginary friend we can count
on at all times, dont we? A certain someone called GOD?

Thursday, August 03, 2006

The lunatic is in my head!!

He was just an ordinary boy living in a free land. He could do what his mind
desired. Well ofcourse he could not resort to the occasional meat that his friend Karim enjoyed from time to time because of his religion . And surely not even wild horses could keep him away from the temple every saturday. His parents would be so proud that he was keeping alive their beliefs and traditions in a foreign land. He was indeed a free man!He definitely would not indulge in womanizing and liquor and smoke because well you just didnt do that in the family he so dearly loved.Ahh damn Ashok for indulging in such vices!Didnt he care two hoots for his parents??Ah the sweet smell of freedom indeed! His favourit movie you ask? Ofcourse 'A clockwork Orange'. Why you may ask? Coz he rattles off 'It is a movie which opens your eyes to the fact that a man who is forced into making a choice without his own volition is just a puppet who is compelled to do the right thing'. What a fucking pathetic life for such an individual is what our protaganist thinks!! He enjoys his freedom and would rather die than part with it. As he would die if his sister fell in love with any of those useless lower caste pricks. How his parents would hate that!! The boy loved his parents who taught him to fight for his (own??) beliefs and nurtured independent thought into their son! I wonder..........